TXQSABER Darksaber 100% Replica Lightsaber Metal Hilt Heavy Dueling Proffie 2.2 Light Sword SNV4 Neo Pixel Laser Cosplay Gift

👍: 100.0%

Anakin Lightsaber Proffie 2.2 Soundboard Smooth Swing Metal Handle With LED Strip Blade SD Card Skywalker Replica Cosplay Toys

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TXQSABER Smooth Swing Lightsaber Metal Hilt Colors Changing Sounds FX Force Blaster Cosplay Laser Sword Proffie 2.2 Baord Toys

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LGT Lightsaber -Darth Maul FX Heavy Dueling Light Saber Infinite Color Changing with 12 Sound Fonts  RGBX Xenopixel Proffie 2.2

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Lightsaber Metal Hilt No Electronics Laser Sword Fits Neopixel RGB Proffie 2.2 C Port Electronic Chassis Dueling LTG Light Saber

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Lightsaber Metal Hilt No Electronics Laser Sword Fits Neopixel RGB Proffie 2.2 C Port Electronic Chassis Dueling LTG Light Saber

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TXQSABER NeoPixel Lightsaber pixel blade Colors Change Proffie 2.2 Board 32GB SD card Force FX FOC Blaster Toys Jedi Laser Sword

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